Monday, February 10
Keep Going! Never Give Up on Your Dreams - Nikol' Moira, CEO at n3tworth

Keep Going! Never Give Up on Your Dreams - Nikol' Moira, CEO at n3tworth

Ramdas Shenoy from stirfryMBA speaks to Nikol’ Moira, Houston, USA on outsourced marketing services.

What made you start n3tworth? What is it all about? What are the pain areas of businesses that you address?

n3tworth was born in 2015 out of a passion for helping, an intrinsic talent, and a need in the market. Here, at n3tworth, we build your internetworth™. This means we leverage the internet and digital systems to move businesses forward.

Local and small business owners, start-ups, and entrepreneurs are confounded by the costs of bootstrapping and the failures of DIY. Big business and corporate clients spend upwards of 4x more on in-house employment costs. n3tworth seeks to fill in those gaps by deploying a remote team of design, tech, and marketing professionals, all under one roof, for a fair price.

How do outsourced marketing services help organizations?

Outsourcing does two very important things: it disperses potential income to the masses as it widens the playing field, allowing each individual to perform to their strength and not just for a pay-check. Companies that outsource can better manage payroll and profits while seeing more productivity in the workforce. It’s the freedom and progress on both sides that makes all the difference!

How has the digital landscape changed over the years specifically for North American markets?

During and after COVID, the world finally woke up. Middle-class Americans were stuck in their 9-5 with no other options. Now, autonomy and leadership are the focus, which sets healthier boundaries for those still choosing corporate America. Even still, this has shifted the way we do work in the digital world. There are more SaaS companies, entrepreneurs, and social presence, which means we’re reaching more people than ever before. While it may seem that we have departed from human interaction, we gained so much more in terms of honing in on our own individual gifts and purpose.

If you need some ideas about what to read next, here they are: 

What is unique about your offerings?

n3tworth offers unlimited project fulfilment for visual & graphic design, web/app & SEO, marketing & reputation, and tech support. These are the 4 most important aspects of a business’s digital marketing efforts. So not only can we do the heavy lifting, but because we have a top-level view of your business, we can help strategize with you. Everything we do is to push long-term success in the market for our clients. Plus, our clients get a FREE CRM. That’s the cherry on top to ensure all the needs of a business are met.

What would be your advice to the women of today on entrepreneurship?

Keep going! Never give up on your dreams! We are the fuel of the future! There’s plenty of room to exercise your gifts, so pave your own path. There are people out there waiting to identify with a woman like you! Always remember, you’re just one more day away from your success. The time will pass anyway. You might as well march forward. And when you get to your final destination, keep going!

StirfryMBA a media portal with a global reach and a vision of sharing learnings from business, life, epics, movies, and features business leaders, coaches, entrepreneurs, and young minds.

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