Saturday, July 27
From Chef to Spiritual Guru: The Inspiring Journey of a Spiritual Warrior

From Chef to Spiritual Guru: The Inspiring Journey of a Spiritual Warrior

Ramdas Shenoy speaks to the Spiritual Warrior—Guru Pashupati-Ashwin Chekava, the Guru who wants to create a ‘Guru Ecosystem’.

What is suffering? Because some people look positive even in a dire state, and others get into depression even with small events in life?

Suffering is a natural growth. Whenever we have an event of suffering, we do not avoid it; we solve the problem. When we have an unsolvable problem, we suffer. When we start believing that the problem is unsolvable, we suffer, and that is when the suffering goes to extreme cases like suicide, when we cannot resolve the suffering. Suffering alone is fine if it is immediately followed by resolution. And all our concentration goes into the problem, but what people do is try to avoid suffering. Avoiding suffering is a problem.

What about someone with a life-threatening disease who still looks calm and composed? How do you see that the problem is not or cannot be resolved?

Even in such cases, the problem is the person thinks that I may not be able to see my family or be with them, and they feel negative about it. So ‘feeling negative’ is the problem, so if you see it as ‘all right’, I cannot see my family again, so once you accept that, you don’t suffer anymore. Suffering is purely emotional; it is about how you accept the situation. If you cannot resolve it, except that it cannot be resolved— better luck next birth!

Why do we see good human beings suffer in life (at least by life definitions and standards), whereas good souls sometimes struggle even for their basic needs?

Let me give the example of Mr Rajapaksa – the erstwhile Srilankan President who fled the country. His first move was to pitch Tamilians against Singhalese, which completely eradicated the Tamilians, and then he created problems for his people. Now he has taken his refuge and enjoying. I asked my teacher…and he said you are confused between heaven and earth. On earth, there is no justice; the kind of earth you are trying to create is difficult.

This earth serves both sinners and pious people; both get their food. It is not that sinners always win; sometimes, these lose too. If you are going to expect justice, you may be disheartened, so give up your need for justice. You will have to see it with a different lens. You have to look at it as the ‘earth’ or ‘Shakti’ is supporting him….. who am I to judge?

For the younger generation, when you tell them to do good but not expect anything in return, how to deal with the dilemma?

As Lord Krishna says in Bhagwat Geetha, you have authority over your actions, you don’t have authority over your results. Do good to receive good is wrong teaching. You do good but do not expect that you will get good results. Don’t expect authority over the truth.

If ‘Karma’ is the standard answer for most problems, and doing no ‘Karma’ also becomes a ‘Karma’, how can one get out of the karmic cycle?

It would help if you had a Sadhguru who would teach you to get out of karma. There is a process called ‘karma-visarjana’, where you can undo the effect of karma. With the right Guru, you can achieve that. Every individual has the same kundalini power, so everyone can learn yoga and grow spiritually. Even for the instant gratification generation, the solution lies in ‘patience’. Patience is the jewel of humanity. If you have patience, you will always be satisfied. If you don’t have patience, life will teach you patience. You need patience and discipline, and if you want to have a nice fruit, you need patience.

If you need some ideas about what to read next, here they are: 

  1. Ghosting, Benching, Love-bombing, Gaslighting and Moonlighting in organizations! 
  2. Men-Oh!-Pause: The Menopause Symptoms Men May Experience 
  3. Keep Going! Never Give up on your dreams – Nikol’ Moira, CEO at n3tworth

What is the truth in ‘3rd Eye activation’ — is it a truth or myth?

The third eye is our internal senses. It is very important to activate and calibrate it. Like if I am talking to you, I know your voice. But also, there will be an internal communication while answering the questions – it is called ‘Tan- Matra’. You can play the national anthem in your mind or visualize your house’s appearance. Nicolas Tesla, who successfully activated his 3rd eye, would do an experiment and leave the experiment in the 3rd eye and see what would happen.

It is possible only through meditation; it is Dhyana, under the guidance of the Guru. You will have intuitional capabilities developed. Before things happen, you will know about it. Try this with an active guru because Guru will guide you daily and tell you what is going right or wrong. You don’t get feedback when you try to do it from YouTube, so you will only assume…There are a lot of self-, certified enlightened people. In our tradition, it is important to have Guru. If you don’t have one, you must wait patiently until you have one.

How to find the right Guru?

A guru, who is not giving you feedback daily, is not a guru. The principal value of a guru is that he gives you daily feedback. The feedback and reporting to Guru have to be daily. If that arrangement is not made, it is a fake system. There are a lot of rock stars and movie stars.

What is the idea of a Spiritual warrior?

If we don’t have a character or role, do we know who we are and what we are doing here? Then there is no need to be a warrior because anything and everything is good. I have decided that I am going to be a Guru and teach people, so if anything comes that way, I should be able to kill it. Say, if I get distracted or attracted to a woman, I should marry her. If I get into that state, I should be a warrior to kill it. I should kill that lust immediately. Any distractions must be fought, and discipline needs to be like a soldier. You need to get up at the correct time, eat at the correct time, have good quality and quantity of food, sleep at the correct time, and do regular exercise – sharp and fit- so we call it spiritual warrior and not just spiritual. So, I am building people who understand their character.

The other aspect is what is the problem?… I am solving this world. If one gets to answer that, they are qualified to become a spiritual warrior.

Everyone is not my customer. People should have value for it. There will be a time in life when you have to be a hero, when the problems are so much that you have to be in discipline; you have to get up and be in discipline. Such people are my customers. They are ready.

Individuals and organizations are the same. If individuals are organized, the organization will be disciplined and focused; otherwise, the organization will be chaotic. Organizations are made up of individuals. We focus on individuals in the organization. We also work with individuals and families. There is no point working alone. We need to evolve the family along with the individual; only then does the family survive, and that is how we look at organizations as a large families.

The larger goal is to have a choice. If somebody decides that he wants to evolve, they should have a choice to come and learn with the other gurus I am creating and me. I can only teach some. If there is only one Guru, then who will give the feedback? I can give feedback to up to 100 people on the upper side. My goal is to create as many gurus as possible. I want to create 1 million Gurus worldwide so that people can choose when they want to evolve. I want Gurus with compassion who can help people to evolve.

#spiritual #Karma #Yoga #GuruPashupati

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