Author: Ramdas Shenoy

Ramdas Shenoy is a senior marketing and communications professional with over two decades of working across industries and domains.

During a recent meeting, a business owner posed a question: “Ram, what’s the necessity of an HR function in our organization? With 25 years of operation without a dedicated HR focus, and our familial approach to employee relations, I fail to see the added value. We’re managing well with 4000+ employees”. Could HR potentially complicate matters rather than streamline them? Another founder echoed similar sentiments, viewing HR as an unnecessary expense, citing smoother operations in organizations without HR. As someone with corporate experience at Tata, I pondered the relevance of HR in the presence of a strong organizational culture- Sanjay…

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In the journey of life, success often comes to those who navigate the challenges with determination and discipline. This riveting story, set against the backdrop of rural India, sheds light on the transformative power of setting goals, maintaining focus, and overcoming adversities. In my school years, students achieving 75% and above were placed in A division, followed by B, C, and D divisions based on their exam performance. This grading system, which we, as students, found discriminatory and perplexing, remains a puzzling aspect for me to this day but yes it was the school’s way of putting in a sense…

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What is Live With Joy all about? This concept of addressing Loneliness in Elders stems from our own experience of our aged Parents living alone and our children living abroad. We are living our lives away from our children, who are busy building their own nest in a city of their destiny, far away from us. If any senior citizen is experiencing an ongoing feeling of loneliness, it can hurt their physical health. It could lead to weight gain, sleep deprivation, poor heart health, and a weakened immune system. Loneliness can also put your body under more stress resulting in…

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As I navigated the sluggish traffic on my way home, the echoing symphony of car horns surrounded me against the backdrop of an ever-evolving metro construction site. The air was thick with impatience, mirroring the pace of the vehicles inching forward. Amidst this urban chaos, I found my thoughts drifting towards the unseen architects of stress and anxiety – toxic people. The relentless honking of horns seemed a fitting metaphor for the constant noise created by those toxic individuals who weave their negativity into the fabric of our daily lives. Much like the ongoing metro construction, their influence remains largely…

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The new year is around the corner and the new mantra will be ‘use digital technology’. From content creation to generating more leads to building thought leadership and sustaining your bottom line, people have already tasted the blood of AI and ML. Earlier digital technologies did not influence the B2B world but now they are influencing this space and B2B business cannot remain ignorant of these trends to make an impact in the market. I wrote this article so that you can get some insights about future trends more for B2B business for 2024 and hope that the world will…

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In the backdrop of the changing face of technology, Ramdas Shenoy speaks to Kate O’Neill, founder & Chief Tech Humanist, KO Insights| host, The Tech Humanist Show, professional speaker on the future of human experience in a world driven by emerging tech and other change at scale, author of ‘A Future So Bright’, Tech Humanist, Pixels and Place What is Tech Humanist? What does it signify? Why do you call yourself one? Tech Humanist is a term I coined to reflect the need to have technological innovation intersect with human values. Since technology scales through business interests, Tech Humanism seeks to align business…

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Ramdas Shenoy tries to crack a conversation with the ‘English Nut’- Sumanto Chattopadhyay, Ex Executive Creative Director, South Asia @ Ogilvy and Ex Chairman & Chief Creative Officer at 82point5 Communications. Actor, model, creative writer… who is Sumanto? In the ad industry, someone who works in the creative department is referred to as a ‘creative person’. But I have always liked to think of myself as a creative person in a wider sense. Which is why I am all of the above and more. I act, model, create content (as The English Nut), write ad campaigns, columns, short stories and…

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Understanding the Perceived Arrogance of Premium/Luxury Brands by Ramdas Shenoy Premium brands, often associated with luxury, quality, and exclusivity, can sometimes be perceived as behaving arrogantly. This perception has led to discussions and debates about the conduct and strategies employed by these brands. It’s essential to recognize that not all premium brands exhibit arrogance, and the perception of arrogance may vary among individuals. The other day I was watching the podcast by @Nikhil Kamath from Zerodha, on how he has stopped using luxury brands. I have tried to explore the various factors that contribute to the perceived arrogance of premium…

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In the wake of the recent TCS #bribeforjobs scandal, which extends beyond the traditional government sphere and questions the efficacy of corporate codes of conduct, a profound inquiry emerges. Does the corporate code truly shape behavior in organizations? Intriguingly, these ethical quandaries often originate from within the HR departments, undermining the foundation of the system. It is akin to a police chief engaging in criminal activities, leading to a collapse of the entire framework. During my tenure at a Tata Company, despite my marketing leadership role, I assumed the role of an ethics counsellor. This occurred when our HR Head…

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Dipika Trehan, CEO- The H.O.W. Forum and Corporate Diva: Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Ramdas Shenoy in conversation with Dipika Trehan, CEO- The H.O.W. Forum and Corporate Diva What is Corporate Diva all about? How did it all begin? Your Journey so far? Corporate Diva is a leadership development organisation that focuses on embracing diversity and practicing inclusion. Our expertise is on bridging gender and generation gaps, employee well-being and awareness on neuro diversity. We extend support to the entire professional life cycle of women at work. Be it getting women in university Corporate Ready, or providing direction and guidance to…

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